
16 August 2018 - Welcome to my Studio Blog post

Welcome to the beginning of blog posting from The Studio here at Chrysalis Art to Wear, I hope you enjoy reading updates and news on what is happening here in the lovely hills of Mid Wales.

Eco Printing was the order of the day having put lots of fabric in to mordant last night which I shall be using tomorrow, saving the eucalyptus printing for today. I thought I would have a go at printing fabric to make up a vest top in raw silk, so cut out the pattern, washed the fabric & then set it to soak in a vinegar/water bucket whilst I collected leaves from my stash & the two trees I have growing in pots outside the studio.

The above image is of the layout on one of the long pieces of raw silk that has joined the garment pieces in the steamer. I can't wait to unroll them all and see how they have turned out. I have used a mix of leaves, some of which print green, the others should be orange.

The fabric rolled up ready to be steamed.

After 2.5 hours of steaming I couldn't wait to unroll the bundles and see the results, here is the back of the vest top with leaves still in place. The fabric was folded in half lengthwise to ensure that the leaf pattern was mirrored on both sides.

Here is the front of the vest pattern.

I shall now wash these & iron them before making up the garment.

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